Fidus et audax ( VISHWASHI AUR SAHASI)

Vyas Complex, Opp. JBT Road, Main market Rajgarh Road, Kotla Nala Solan (H.P), 173212



Sunday, 15 February 2015

श्री गणेशाय नमः  

                                                     Recently, we have outreached the famous industrial town of Himachal Pradesh, PARWANOO to serve the small business community who will become the member of Raboun NATC society and will definitely inculcate the habit of savings among them. Come together with us, cooperate we will continue to play a medium to make you prosperous.

 1. Home
 3. Contact us
 4. Who can Become members ?
 5. Our Managing Director
 6. News Room and Photo Gallery
 7. Products of RNATCS

 8. Loans
Audaces fortuna juvate (Fortunes favours the bold) (Laxumi veeron par kripa karti hai)

The Raboun Co-operative Non-Agricultural Thrift and Credit Society(RNATCS) Limited bear its name of a village which is situated in the vicinity of Solan Town and Solan is a famous in the world as Mushroom City of India.
                              aboun ** RNATCS is to help you to Work better, Do better, Perform better, Earn more,  Grow more and Be Co-operative for the betterment and well-being holistic of your family and uplift your standard of life.
                                The aboun Co-operative  Non-agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited (RNATCS), Solan, Himachal Pradesh came in to existence and registered with vide No.699 on 27th November,2008 with the Government of Himachal Pradesh Government but due to some unavoidable circumstances it was not active. It is being governed under the provisions, rules and regulations of the Registrar, Department of Cooperative Societies, Himachal Pradesh Government.  This has given the RNATCS new managing committee the impetus to offer its financial services to its members more diligently and efficiently.    It is vivified and launched and started its flight with a very few members on its board on April 14, 2014. People of all walks of life especially small business unit holders introduced with the society, touched and pursued to join hands with RNATCS for cooperation and growth.  It is well known fact that financial matters and well-being is directly or indirectly related to cooperation among the small, medium and big business enterprises [whether credit or hand loan] in keeping these views of our Managing Director RNATCS is flying at present with its  290 members  on its board.
                        Credits and savings of RNATCS proved oxygen to small business unit holders.  Our Managing Director Sh. Ritesh Walia is the integral part of the society with his experience many members are flying high and enjoying the Raboun Co-operative Non-Agricultural Thrift and Credit Society (RNATCS) flights (various beneficial schemes Loans & Savings).   For many artisan borrowers of the RNATCS, small loan and easy repayment proved as a mother’s milk to improve their lean and weak small business units.  Come and invest in our various schemes for the Rainy Day.  Enjoy worry free savings with our venture on attractive rate of interest.  The Raboun Co-operative Non-agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited, Solan, believe in holistic well-being of its members along with their family members.  We do not believe in lip service we do the actual and factual work to develop and strengthened our members financially as well as socio-economic. Our Managing Director Sh. Ritesh Walia directs his team with such efforts to maintain or nurture such relations with the customers and members that they feel comfortable enough to reach out and discuss with the team for solving their any problems they face with their businesses it may be of finance or any other.     
                                              The working and success of RNATCS is based on the following pillars of Co-operation Trust, Growth, Confidence, Honesty-Humility, Economic and  Co-operative       Behaviour, Human resources and the responsible distribution of loaning among the  members     from its deposits which is  being  collected  from  its  members  through  RNATCS  savings  schemes.    RNATCS  has adopted high standard of services rendered to its members in its Area of Operation that  is  at   present Solan  District. No  doubt  RNATCS  is  still  in its childhood but with your cooperation  RNATCS is running with high speed and on the path of fast growing and expansion our venture new management committee is intends and planning to expand it to the other districts of Himachal Pradesh also very soon.


The Raboun Co-operative Non-agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited (RNATCS) Solan is registered with the Government of Himachal Pradesh vide registered No. 699 dated 27th November, 2008. But for the last few years (RNATCS) was lying idle/useless seems to be dead. In 2014 a new managing committee was formed and Sh. Ritesh Walia assigned the duty to bring this “Venture” in to a working position. The managing committee under the President ship of Sh. Pardeep Thakur took hold of the RNATCS and the necessary revivable arrangements made. On 14th April,2014 under the expertise of Sh. Ritesh Walia this (VISHVASHI aur SAHASI) venture RNATCS resuscitated. The managing committee reaches out to more and more small entrepreneurs to become its members. With their sincere efforts many small businessmen, self- employed and skilled and semiskilled irrespective of sex become its members. The venture RNATCS rejuvenated and it became fully capable of doing financial business among its members. Our society is avowed to do financial business among members only according to the Himachal Pradesh Government Act. Now you are welcome to become member of our venture and get benefits of RNATCS various schemes. The endeavour of our RNATCS is to uplift the small businessmen and downtrodden small entrepreneurs by providing them hassle free loan to run their business activities.

Contact us

Customer Care
For all your queries contact :


(10 am to 8 pm)

You can email us at :


Vyas Complex, Opp. JBT Road, Main market Rajgarh Road, Kotla Nala Solan (H.P), 173212
Sh. Ritesh Walia
M.A.(Pub. Adm.)
Managing Director, Mobile Numbers9805187949, 7018016858

Sh. Naresh Thakur
Branch Manager, Mobile Numbers-9418436740

Managing Committe

1. President :- Sh. Pardeep Thakur, Mob- 9418828924
2. Vice President :- Sh. Joginder Singh Thakur, Mob- 9418742002
3. Treasurer :- Sh. Balveer Singh, Mob- 8580944771
4. Office Manager :- Sh. Naresh Thakur, Mob- 9418436740


Everyone who is capable to understand the rules and regulations of the Society.  He/she should be residing in Solan District or doing some job or petty business to earn some money for his/her livelihood and those who genuinely need finance to run their small unit of business. RNATCS would give preference in making members to those people who earn some money daily from their small business units like, Hair cutting saloon, Artisans, mechanics, peddlers (Travelling Hawkers), Vegetable and fruit vendors, Haberdashers, Boutiques, Beauty parlors, Dhabawalas, Wayside eateries, and those who sells their merchandize on barrows or pushcarts etc. For becoming members you have to deposit Rs. 500.00 as membership fee along with Rs. 50.00 as enrollment fee. Become member and bring prosperity in to your LIFE. It is clear, RNATCS will offer financial services to its members only to improve their standard of living, socio-economic condition and to run their small businesses or entrepreneurs in good conditions. So join hands with our venture and become its members {“Fide et amore” (SHRDHA aur PREM SE)} by faith and love.

Our Managing Director


Sh. Ritesh Walia Managing Director of the Raboun Co-operative Non-Agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited (RNATCS), Solan H.P.  He is the pioneer person to launch and vivified this credit society on 14th April, 2014.  Though it was registered in Himachal Pradesh Government vide registered No. 699 dated 27th November, 2008 yet the core work of the Credit Society begins on the auspicious day of Vaishakhi (14 APRIL, 2014) only due to hard work and efforts of Sh. Ritesh Walia.  It is due to his endeavour and efforts RNATCS has taken the present position which is considered to be a good in financial health. He is a post graduate in Public Administration from Himachal Pradesh University Shimla. He has a long 20 year experience in Cooperative Financing Sector.  This has enriched our RNATCS.
        With his long experience he is well known of the sufferings for want of Finances of the low paid employees and small business unit holders.  His experience in co-operative credit society has made him a good thought reader and well versed in thought reading.  He has made his hobby to struggle for the “Financial-Prosperity” of the lower strata of the society.  He is of the opinion that “RNATCS helps those, who are Self-Help” and he always advices RNATCS members “YOU DREAM and RNATCS will fulfill THEM”.  Under his leadership and guidance the RNATCS’s Fund Managers/Advisors/ Agents are maintaining high standard of Financial Services with the customers.  He always looks forward to hearing from you and helping you out from your financial crunches.
Small loans and easy repayments for its members and at any time is the formula of the Managing Director has become the (MANTRA) for the success of RNATCS.  So it has made the place in the hearts of its members and he does not hesitate to sanction loan in a trice to good paymasters. His efforts had brought laurels to the society recently Himachal Pradesh Government, Department of Co-operative Societies has allowed to serve its financial services in whole of the District Solan. The Raboun Co-operative Non-Agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited Solan new Managing Committee latest has given its nod to start new Product under its ambit i.e. Monthly Income Scheme (M.I.S.) and this scheme has been launched. With the cooperation of its members and new managing committee he has brought RNATCS on the fast track of expansion and trying his best to reach out other districts of Himachal Pradesh also.  The day is not far behind when RNATCS would be a multi-state co-operative Credit society. 

News Room and Photo Gallery  

                                The Raboun Co-operative Non-agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited (RNATCS) Solan has recently been permitted to go out from their Special Operation Area (Solan Development Block) to whole of the District Solan to render their financial services.  The approval letter has been granted to RNATCS by the Government of Himachal Pradesh which has been received in the office of the RNATCS. Now very soon RNATCS would expand its financial services at the following towns of the District Solan Arki, Kunihar,  Kandaghat, Dharampur, Kasauli, Garkhal, Kumarhatti etc. and RNATCS will confine to Solan District only because of its operational area.  Our venture namely RNATCS is fully abide by the Himachal Prdesh Cooperative Act for doing finance business among  members of the Society only. Therefore, it is golden opportunity for the small businessmen self employed professionals to scale new heights in their units of entrepreneurs through our society.  Our venture RNATCS is meant for the well-being of its members only.  The people of these small towns are most welcome to become the memebers of our Society and get benefits of the various schemes of the Society.  The Raboun Cooperative Non-agricultural Thrift and Credit Society Limited (RNATCS) Solan is working under the  VIGIL  EYE of the Cooperative  Department of the Himachal Pradesh Government.


                       We provide FREE Personal Accidental Policy cover  of one year  for those who open RD Account  for three years  and for those also who give us fixed deposit of Rs. 50,000.00 (Rs. Fifty thousand only).
                            RNATCS has recently launched Monthly Income Scheme (M.I.S.) for its members. All members are requested to go through this scheme and avail the benefit.

                               On the auspicious occasion of 'AKSHAY TRITYA' 9 May,2016 a full fledged new branch of Raboun NATCS has been inaugurated by our Managing Director Sh. Ritesh Walia at Kunihar. On the following address: Garg Building, Main Road, Kunihar, Distt. Solan to render financial services to it's members only. Come, Be a part (members) of this venture  (Raboun NATCS) financial galaxy(Society) to glow and grow more in your business activities.

Our following full fledged, fully computerized branches are at the following towns of the Solan district are working from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days and the Kunihar branch is opened on Sunday also and closed on Monday.

1. Darlaghat Branch:- Ambuja road, near PNB ATM Teh Arki, Distt. Solan. Branch Manager- Smt. Kiran Sharma, Mob- 8219329597

2. Dharampur Branch:- Kanda road, Teh Kasauli, Branch Manager- Sh. Lal Chand, Mob- 9817573194

3. Kandaghat Branch:- Nandiram Building, near mini secretariat Kandaghat, Branch Manager- Ankur Walia, Mob- 9817137270

4. Kunihar Branch:- Garg building, main road Kunihar, Teh- Arki, Branch Manger- Sh. M.P. Singh, Mob- 9817137270

5. Parwanoo Branch:- Bhatia building, Kasauli road, Sector-2, Parwanoo, Branch Manager- Joginder Singh Mob- 9418742002 

6.  Solan Branch:- Vyas Complex, Rajgarh Road, Opp. JBT Road, Kotle Nala, Solan H.P. Mob-9418828924

Products of RNATCS


Recurring Deposit Scheme(R.D)
Fixed Deposit(F.D)
Daily Deposit Scheme
Monthly Income Scheme(M.I.S.)

                               We do not boast but  say with confidence that our venture  RNATCS is a Safe and Secure place for your investments, faith and trust are most important to build healthy relationship.  Our members and new customers are having unwavering faith and trust in our venture.  Often, we are sensitizing the general public and our members about the services and quality we render.  We always endeavor to have a strong relationship with our every member.  We deliver consistent  financial  services to them.  We always encourage the habits of SAVINGS in our members.  Therefore, our venture offer higher rate of interest on their deposits than other financial institutions. 

  Savings are most necessary for every body for the rainy day.  In large financial institutions investing involves risks of fluctuations in the rate of interest you may gain or lose money, but in our society there is no such chance of losing money. In our venture RNATCS once the rate of interest is given that will be remain same for the period locked. RNATCS always gives higher rate than other financial institutions.  Hence there is no risk of losing the  money in fluctuation situation.  

                       We provide FREE Personal Accidental Policy cover  of one year  for those who open RD Account  for three years  and for those also who give us fixed deposit of Rs. 50,000.00 (Rs. Fifty thousand only).

Recurring Deposit Scheme(R.D)
Rate of Interest
Rs. 100 will become at the time of maturity
24 Month
36 Month
60 Month
10.50   %
The deposit shall be in multiple of Rs.100.00

Fixed Deposit(F.D)
Rate of Interest
Special Rate of interest
12 Month
9 %
10% only for Women kand Senior citizens
The deposit shall not be less than Rs.10000.00
Investment of Rs.10000 for 1 year will fetch Rs. 1000, 1100 & 1150 at the time of maturity.

Daily Deposit Scheme
Rate of Interest (On maturity (365 days))
12 Month
7 %

  •  Minimum amount required for daily scheme is Rs.20 per day.
  •  Rs. 50 daily deposits will become Rs. 18980.00 in 12 months.

**Our Financial/Fund Managers/Agents will collect cash daily from your door step.

Monthly Income Scheme (M.I.S.)

              Our main aim/idea is to make people more financial strong and effective so that they may live the lives they want.  RNATCS has launched (M.I.S.) for the benefit of its members and customers.  In the retiring life no more monthly pay cheque from your employer or from business but the expenses do not stop.  Then an investment in M.I.S. will ensure that monthly income do not stop coming and you enjoy a free and truly rewarding life.  Interest can be drawn through auto credit into a Recurring Account in our RNATCS it can be opened in our office through filling a prescribed form.


          The RNATCS Provides for monthly payment interest income to member investors. It is meant for investors who want to invest a sum amount initially and earn interest on monthly basis to supplement their income i.e. each month.  Interest on your deposit becomes another source of income. The scheme is, therefore, more beneficial for investors.

*70% of loan deposit would be available.
*Nomination option under MIS.
*No premature withdrawal facility.

The MIS customer will get Rs. 1000 per month on depositing Rs. 100,000/-


                Loan is a best way to get/obtain CASH.  We provide loans to our members for business growth and expansion.  Loans are the great big way for small/middle business men/women to expand their business and grow quicker than it could otherwise.

           We provide hassle free loans to our members for income generation purpose, creating employment opportunities for the unemployed for leading a comfortable socio-economic and high standard of life.  If you are a self-employed and lack access to banking and related services come to RNATCS.  Our endeavor is to help the underserved, downtrodden and lower strata of the business community to earn livelihood through RNATCS.  To ensure the punctual recovery of the loan RNATCS has arranged fund managers to collect the loan installment or the saving deposits from the door step of the loanees or the depositors.  This saves the valuable time of the petty business communities. Those members who are regular to repay their loan installments never feel shortage of funds in their businesses. We treat the each member equal and we are very eager to help them financial.  If you are a member of our venture there is ease of getting a loan and you can get a loan quickly and early.  Some times before granting you a loan the fund/finance managers will check whether you are a good paymaster or bad paymaster.  If you are considered a bad paymaster it will be very hard and difficult for you to get/obtain loan from our Society and if you want your membership fee will be refunded to you immediately. Borrow the only amount you need, with your means.  Because loans are reliable method of raising additional cash for business activities and loans are time honored therefore pay back loans in installments on time as soon as possible and  RNATCS do not want to take any risk on bad paymasters.  

            SOCIETY offers wide variety of Loans to the members to suit their requirements with easy repay facilities.

1.     Daily loan Scheme
2.     Loan Against Deposits
3.     Employees loan
                                              4.  Emergency Loan*

Daily loan Scheme
  •          We provide loan for 6 month basis.
  •          We provide maximum loan up to Rs.100,000.00
  •          This loan is available only to those who earns daily.
  •          Loanee have to arrange TWO Guarantors.

Loan Against Deposits
  •          Maximum 75% of the total deposits will be sanctioned to the depositor.

Employees loan
  •          Maximum loan up to Rs.100,000.00
  •          Repayment in 18 months only.
  •          Society will keep 10% of the loan amount as security.
  •          Loanee have to provide TWO guarantors.

Emergency Loan*
  •          Loan up to Rs.50000.00
  •          Repayment within 3 months and TWO guarantors are required.

RABOUN   Stands for:- -----  R = Rupee, A = Arrangement, B = Business, O = Obtain, U = Use,  N = Net income
 It means RABOUN  stands for Rupee Arrangements to be Obtained for Business Use to increase Net income

                                                                                                                        Ritesh Walia
                                                                                                                        Managing Director